Indoor Activities: Story telling, dramatisation, language games, rhymes, creative art activities, music and dance, block play, health inspection, stage exposures, ball pool competitions etc.
Outdoor Activities: Swing slides, water pool, sand play, picnic, excursion, visits etc.
Arihant is unique in training little ones. Everything happening around the child is a new experience and each experience leaves impression on the mind of the child. Our Curriculum reflects the holistic way which empowers the child to learn and grow.
For your young child, play is an important work. They grow up, learn and investigate the world through play. We at Arihant, provide your little ones with complex play activities. They invite them to think problem solve an participate in fantasy.
When your child engages in play, they have to plan, create a focus and structure for a goal – all essential life skills. Teachers or felicitators at arihant provide play situations throughout the day. She Rolex Replica introduces letters, numbers through meaningful dramatic play, block building and musical ways.
So don’t be fret if your child comes home saying he/she played all day. You can be sure that with their teacher’s guidance and the child’s innate curiosity, they were trying to apply very important problem solving, right in the midst of play.